Jockey Club Student Village IV

Charge Schedule for 2024/2025 (Valid from August 21, 2024 to May 30, 2025)
Category Single Room (Approximately 6 sqm)
Occupancy Limits 1 student in one room, 10 students in one apartment unit

Lodging Schedule

(Subject to final approval)


1st Semester: August 21, 2024 – January 1, 2025

·        Full time Undergraduate and Exchange Students: HKD22334

·        Postgraduate Students admitted into a UGC/Publicly-funded Programme: HKD25009


2nd Semester: January 1, 2025 – May 30, 2025

·         Full time Undergraduate and Exchange Students: HKD25021

·         Postgraduate Students admitted into a UGC/Publicly-funded Programme: HKD28017

Minimum Stay Requirement One Semester
Extra Fees Air-conditioning is charged at cost (HKD2.31/kWh, subject to annual review), payable by Octopus Card
Billing Cycle

•          At the beginning of each semester

•          Lodging fee will be calculated on a semester basis

Exchange Rate: USD1 to HKD7.8 (approximately)
Application and Admission

Newly admitted non-local undergraduate students

(1) Newly admitted non-local full degree students (for full-time undergraduates only), or

(2) Newly admitted exchange or visiting students (for undergraduates, including LLB students)

Online application (CLOSED)

Round II Hall Application

(1) Current students who have no prior hall experience or

(2) Students newly admitted into a study programme

August 9-15, 2024: Online application

August 19, 2024: Announcement of results

Postgraduate students

(1) Postgraduate students admitted into a UGC/Publicly-funded programme

From April 1, 2024:

Newly admitted students: use the link in your University e-offer to apply

Current students: Online application

August 5, 2024: Announcement of results

Central Clearing House

June 3, 2024: Online central clearing exercise to fill all remaining vacancies (if any)

Last Updated: June 2024