Person Enrichment (PE) 1.0 Workshops
Study Smart Series – Study Smarter, not Harder
1. Note Taking: techniques, shortcuts and practicum (English) (NT1/16-17)
2. Listening Skills: getting the essential facts and enhancing attention span (English) (LS1/16-17)
3. How to Schedule and Plan My Time Smartly? (SPT1/16-17)
Confidence Building Series – Shine on Your Stage
4. Effective Public Speaking (English) (EPS1/16-17)
5.How to Say What to Whom? (English) (HSW1/16-17)
6 & 7.Image Building 1001 (Female & Male) (Cantonese) (IBF1/16-17, IBM1/16-17)
8.How to be a Lady/Gentleman (Social Etiquette Training) (English) (BLG1/16-17)
Resilience Enhancement Series – Ability to Re-energize and Rebound
9. Relaxation Through Arts (RTA1/16-17)
10 & 11. Mindfulness Relaxation Exercises for Well-being (Cantonese & English) (MRW1/16-17, MRW2/16-17)
12. Mini Cupping 咖啡品評班 (COMC1/16-17, COMC2/16-17)
13. The Brew Journey 各國咖啡器具沖調班 (COBJ1/16-17, COBJ2/16-17)
14. Latte Art 咖啡創意拉花班 (COLA1/16-17, COLA2/16-17)
15. Latte Art Workshop (English) (COLA3/16-17)
Person Enrichment (PE) 2.0 Leadership Programme