[GLOCAL Connect] End-of-Semester Tea Gathering A 3-Day Cultural Trip to Guangzhou GLOCAL Connect Student Advisory Group Tea Gathering Banner Slide – Explore the Greater Bay Area: Free Study Tour to Shenzhen Banner Slide – Online Resources Banner Slide – Memorable Moments of WOW Events Banner Slide – GLOCAL Connect Banner Slide – A Glimpse of Student Life Banner Slide – Pre-departure Notes for Outgoing Students 2024 Banner Slide – Prepare for Travelling Abroad Banner Slide – Additional Insurance Banner Slide – Say No to Illegal Drugs Banner Slide – Anti-scam Banner Slide – Student Visa Services – New Arrangement Banner Slide – HKU Cheers Banner Slide – WoW Tour Choi Hung Estate Banner Slide – WoW Tour Central

Hong Kong Identity (HKID) Card

All non-local students who have been permitted to stay in Hong Kong for more than 180 days are required to apply for an HKID card within 30 days of arrival. Please be aware that the Registration of Persons Offices will not process applications without prior appointments. You are advised to utilize the appointment booking and form pre-filling service via the Hong Kong Immigration Department website: www.gov.hk/en/residents/immigration/idcard/hkic/bookregidcard.htm. Your HKID card will normally be ready for collection in a month’s time. Any person who without reasonable excuse fails to apply for a new identity card within the specified call-up periods commits an offence and will be liable to a fine of $5,000 if prosecuted.

You must carry your original copy of HKID card, passport/travel document as an identity document with you all the time in Hong Kong. Failing to produce proof of identity upon demand to a police officer or immigration officer is considered an offense. In such cases, you may be detained until you can show proofs of your identity and status.

You will also need an HKID Card for extension of your visa/entry permit and visiting a public hospital.

If you are still awaiting your HKID card appointment and require access to public hospital services, you will need to request a letter from the Hong Kong Immigration Department (ImmD) to certify your residential status in Hong Kong during a specified period. To obtain this letter, you can send an email to the ImmD at enquiry@immd.gov.hk. Remember to present this letter when you seek public hospital services.