GEST Recruitment - GEST Skills Sharing Host (First Semester, 2022-23)


GEST Recruitment - GEST Skills Sharing Host
(First Semester, 2022-23)

Application Form



GEST Skills Sharing is a platform for talented students to showcase their unique ability and share the skills with fellow classmates. GE believes that by supporting students to actively curate and initiate projects, rather than being passive receivers, students can truly learn and flourish.

In the previous academic year, talented students co-curated various types of activities with us, such as diabolo, embroidery and miniature clay food workshops, as well as pastel Nagomi art workshop. 

If you have something that you want to share like digital illustration, crafting and yoga workshops, all (crazy) ideas are welcomed!

The selected programmes will be launched as part of GE programmes in the First Semester, 2022-23.

Who can be instructors: Full-time HKU students
Date & Time: Your choice
Duration: One 1.5-hour session
Budget*: $500 material cost (on reimbursement basis with receipts)
Class size: 10-12 participants per session

*Student hosts will earn Reward Points under CEDARS Reward Scheme for Students ( ).

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