[GLOCAL Connect] End-of-Semester Tea Gathering A 3-Day Cultural Trip to Guangzhou GLOCAL Connect Student Advisory Group Tea Gathering Banner Slide – Explore the Greater Bay Area: Free Study Tour to Shenzhen Banner Slide – Online Resources Banner Slide – Memorable Moments of WOW Events Banner Slide – GLOCAL Connect Banner Slide – A Glimpse of Student Life Banner Slide – Pre-departure Notes for Outgoing Students 2024 Banner Slide – Prepare for Travelling Abroad Banner Slide – Additional Insurance Banner Slide – Say No to Illegal Drugs Banner Slide – Anti-scam Banner Slide – Student Visa Services – New Arrangement Banner Slide – HKU Cheers Banner Slide – WoW Tour Choi Hung Estate Banner Slide – WoW Tour Central

Say No to Illegal Drugs

It is imperative that you stay away from illegal drugs at all times. The penalties for drug offences in Hong Kong are severe and can result in significant fines and long prison sentences.

Under the Dangerous Drug Ordinance (DDO), anyone found in possession; or smokes, inhales, ingest or injects a dangerous drug, shall be liable upon conviction to a fine HK$ 1,000,000 and imprisonment for 7 years.


Ban on CBD Products – From 1 February, 2023, Cannabidiol (CBD) has been listed as a dangerous drug under the DDO in Hong Kong. Under the DDO, it is an offense for any person to involve in trafficking (import and export), sales, possession and consumption of CBD products.  Offenders may be subject to fines and penalty of imprisonment.  Please refer to HERE for details.  “Let’s Stand Firm. Knock Drugs Out!”


Smoke-free Campus and Ban on Alternative Smoking Products – HKU is a smoke-free campus. Smoking is prohibited on campus, both indoors and outdoors.  Apart from this, the Government had imposed a ban on alternative smoking products (ASP).  Under the Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Ordinance 2021, it is an offense for any person to import, promote, manufacture, sell, or possess for commercial purposes alternative smoking products (ASP), including electronic smoking products, heated tobacco products and herbal cigarettes.  Please check out some common FAQs and more information from the TACO for details. “Do the Best Thing For Yourself: Quit Smoking!”


To learn more about the anti-drug information in Hong Kong, please click HERE.

It is important that you understand the laws and regulations related to drugs in Hong Kong and that you do not engage in any illegal activities.