Talk with the Flow

a mobile vehicle served as a causal and cosy gathering point where students can share their emotions and feelings

an emotional survival kit set that includes a stress relieving toy and tips card that help students to relax, express their feelings and regulate their emotions

6 different flavors of herbal tea that help you to deal with your stress from academics, interpersonal relationships, and job hunting, etc.
“Shall We Talk” is a mental health promotion and public education initiative launched by the Advisory Committee on Mental Health since July 2020. CEDARS-CoPE will partner with “Shall We Talk” to introduce a series of events under the school tour campaign “Talk with The Flow” to promote mental awareness on HKU campus.
A mobile vehicle will be located at Centennial Campus from 27 Feb 2023 – 3 March 2023 to serve as an information desk, distribute souvenirs, and manage pop-up activities for HKU students and staff.
Other activities including movie screening, workshops and sharing sessions from KOLs will be conducted to engage HKU students to (i) raise awareness of; (ii) enhance knowledge of mental health.
Mindfulness Workshop

practising mindfulness
Mindfulness is a form of meditation that involves concentrating intensely on the sensations around you. By bringing focus to one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, mindfulness can be used to achieve a state of calm without self-judgement. The trainer will lead you through the process of mindfulness and share their personal experience.
Upon completion of the workshop, YOU WILL HAVE:
- Experienced the process of mindfulness
- Acquired and practised basic techniques of mindfulness on your own
- Enjoyed the process and relieve your stress
Course code: | MW1/22-23 | MW2/22-23 |
Date: | 27 Feb 2023 (Mon) | 3 Mar 2023 (Fri) |
Time: | 2:30pm – 4:30pm | 1:00pm – 3:00pm |
Venue: | MB218, 2/F, Main Building | CYM302, 3/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre |
Language: | Cantonese | |
Class size: | 20 | |
Fee: | Free | |
Trainer: | Mr. Lok Chau, Founder of Be Still Together | |
Registration: | Register for MW1/22-23 | Register for MW2/22-23 |
About the trainer:
In 2011, Lok came into contact with the mindfulness practice in Plum Village Tradition, and became a volunteer to lead the mindfulness practice. In 2018, the organization “Be Still Together” was established to promote the concept of mindfulness, coordinating more than 500 mindfulness sessions every year.
Singing Bowl Workshop (SBW1/22-23)

Singing bowl
Singing bowls, also called Tibetan or Himalayan singing bowls, are ancient bowls that produce sound and vibration when played with a mallet or striker. It is often used in spiritual, mediation and mindfulness process, to invoke meditation or relaxation through the resounding vibrations and pleasant sounds it emanates when played. They can also be used in sound therapy to induce healing and treat various illnesses.
Upon completion of the workshop, YOU WILL HAVE:
- Acquired basic techniques of singing bowl meditation
- Practised and enjoyed the meditation process with singing bowl
Date: 28 Feb 2023 (Tue)
Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Venue: CYM302, 3/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre
Language: English
Class size: 20
Fee: Free
Trainer: Ms. Helen Kwok, Registered Social Worker and Certified Himalayan Singing Bowl Practitioner
Registration: Register for Singing Bowl Workshop (SBW1/22-23)
About the trainer:
Helen received her formal training on Himalayan Singing Bowls and Sound Healing at Kathmandu, Nepal with a 3rd generation sound master Swami Chaitanya Krishna. Receiving dance and theatre trainings in early years, Helen integrates embodiment and somatic body-work movement practices into mindfulness and sound healing sessions, facilitating individuals returning the experience of body-mind wholeness and restore emotion awareness. Alongside her years of social work practice on personal growth focused counselling with children and adults, her expertise also includes delivering individual sound healing therapies, mental wellness consultation and sound healing and mindfulness trainings, retreats and team building for groups, institutes and corporates.
Zentangle Workshop (ZW1/22-23)

Zentangle art
Zentangle® is a meditative art form. Unplanned patterns unfold your creativity and flexibility. Just concentrate on your doodling without distractions, without interruptions, and without demands from the outside world. You are the cornerstone of your tribe to design your own unique patterns.
Upon completion of the workshop, YOU WILL HAVE:
- Acquired basic techniques of Zentangle drawing
- Practised concentration and mindfulness
- Enjoyed mindfulness and Zentangle
禪繞藝術 (Zentangle®) 源自美國,由點與線條構成圖樣,只需要一枝筆就能夠作畫創作,任何人都能易學易懂。製作襌繞畫時,在筆下畫上並不斷重複基礎線條元素,例如點、直線、弧線、蛇形和圓形,專注於當下一筆一劃,與你的內在心靈溝通,達至放鬆、平靜、自我療癒的效果。
Date: 2 Mar 2023 (Thu)
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Venue: CYM302, 3/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre
Language: Cantonese
Class size: 20
Fee: Free
Trainer: TY Tse, Certified Zentangle Instructor (CZT Asia #16)
Registration: Register for Zentangle Workshop (ZW1/22-23)
About the trainer:
Tse has guided and taught children and teenagers, adults, the elderly, and people with special educational needs in Zentangle painting classes and Zentangle art workshops.
Floating Cinema – The Falls (FC1/22-23)

Movie – The Falls
“The Falls” is a 2021 Taiwanese drama film. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a mother and her teenage daughter’s relationship becomes strained while they quarantine in their apartment. A mother has been hearing sounds of waterfalls since then…
The movie is a story about the people who suffer from Schizophrenia, and their caregiver’s lives.
Director: Chung Mong-hong
Screenwriter: Chung Mong-hong, Chang Yao-sheng
Cast: Alyssa Chia, Gingle Wang, Lee Lee-zen, Chen Yi-wen
Post-movie sharing session guest speaker: Mr. Honkaz Fung
Date: 1 Mar 2023 (Wed)
Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Venue: KK202, 2/F, K. K. Leung Building
Language: Putonghua with bilingual subtitles for the movie; Cantonese for the post-movie sharing session*
Class size: 60
Fee: Free
Registration: Register for Floating Cinema – The Falls (FC1/22-23)
* Remarks: Simultaneous Interpretation (SI) service available upon request
About the post-movie sharing guest speaker:
Worked in comic book industry in the early years, Mr. Honkaz Fung transferred to advertising and film production. He worked as a director, a special effects designer, an art director, and the founder of Onebyone Studio. He is currently the chairman of the “Hong Kong Cantonese Film Research Association” and the director of the Film Culture Center (Hong Kong). In 2022, Mr. Fung coordinated the programme “Tai Kwun Movie Steps (Jan-Feb 2023) – You Drive Me [Wild/Crazy]” for Tai Kwun.
Mental Sharing – TreeHoleHK (MST1/22-23)
Want to develop a positive mindset and live happily?
TreeHoleHK will introduce concepts on positive psychology to foster a positive mindset and develop resilience. This sharing session will inspire you to start your routine of positive psychology exercises in preparation for upcoming challenges and searching for meaning of life. The sharing will include:
1. Introduction to Positive Psychology
- What are the concepts under Positive Psychology?
- Positive Psychology VS the rest of Psychology
- Why Positive Psychology?
2. Science of Happiness
- Happiness and the science behind it
- Searching for Happiness & Life Meaning
3. Habit-building for Positive Psychology
- Gratitude journal
- Mindful Awareness
- Character Strengths
- 正向心理學的概念是什麼?
- 正向心理學與其他心理學的區別?
- 為什麼要知道正向心理學?
- 甚麼是幸福?「幸福」其背後的科學
- 尋找幸福與生命意義
- 感恩記錄
- 正念意識
- 性格優勢
Date: 28 Feb 2023 (Tue)
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Venue: LE7, LG2/F, Library Extension Building
Language: English
Class size: 60
Fee: Free
Trainer: Mr. Ed Li, Counselling Psychologist from the TreeHoleHK
Registration: Register for Mental Sharing – TreeHoleHK (MST1/22-23)
About the speaker:
Mr. Ed Li is a Counselling Psychologist accredited by the Hong Kong Psychological Society with a master degree of Counselling Psychology (CoP), and a certified Sport Mental Coach. Pertaining to the essence of CoP in prevention, he is dedicated to psychoeducation and training with advocacy by classroom teaching, experiential workshops and interactive seminars over 4 years. He practises counselling techniques with the focus on anxiety and he works closely with parents of children with SEN. Ed was engaged as an in-house trainer providing sales training in the business setting, as a lecturer teaching and coaching students in whole-person development, and as a trainer or speaker holding various psychology- related workshops and seminars for various clienteles.
Mental Sharing – StoryTaler (MSS1/22-23)
What is mental illness?
Are people who have experienced mental illness more dangerous or easier to loss of control?
Are people with mental illness different from others?
Due to insufficient information, there are various misunderstandings and prejudices toward mental illness in our society. In this sharing session, a Clinical Psychologist from StoryTaler will introduce what “mental illness” mean, and Clare, the StoryTaler will share her experiences with you. By exploring the stigmatization and “micro-aggressions” towards people suffering from mental illness, the speakers aim at promoting the importance of mental wellness.
因為了解不足,大眾和媒體都很容易對「精神病」這回事產生了不同的 誤解與偏見。在這次分享中,臨床心理學家及說故事的人 Clare 會跟大家一起了解何謂「精神病」,和這些經歷與大家的關係。此外,講者亦會跟觀眾探討社會對精神病的污名,以及關注微歧視對於推廣和守護大家精神健康的重要性。
Date: 3 Mar 2023 (Fri)
Time: 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Venue: CPD3.29, 3/F, Centennial Campus, Central Podium Levels
Language: Cantonese*
Class size: 60
Fee: Free
Speaker: Ms. Ella Z. Tsang, Clinical Psychologist from StoryTaler
StoryTaler: Ms. Clare Chan
Registration: Register for Mental sharing – StoryTaler (MSS1/22-23)
* Remarks: Simultaneous Interpretation (SI) service available upon request
About the speaker:
Ms. Ella Tsang is a Clinical Psychologist as well as a florist and a Japanese Preserved Floral Art Instructor. She obtained her Bachelor Degree of Arts in Criminology (Psychology) from the University of Hull and later obtained a Master Degree of Art in Psychology and a Master Degree of Social Sciences in Clinical Psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She joined the StoryTaler in 2020 and aspires to promote mental health and reduce psychiatric stigma.
About the StoryTaler:
Ms. Clare Chan is a music educator and a songwriter. She has been experiencing depression for ten years and took medication for five years. During her recovery journey, she understood more about her emotions and her own self through mindfulness practices. She is grateful that she could find her way of recovery. Clare hopes that her story can raise public awareness about mental health.