1. Workshop on Time Management (TMW1/18-19)
Good time management skills enable you to manage your workload more skillfully and productively which are beneficial for both physical and mental wellness.
In this workshop, you will learn more about time management skills in general, and more importantly, your difficulties in executing or applying these skills in real life. You will learn some strategies to better overcome these obstacles.
At the end of the workshop, you will
- learn about general skills / considerations in scheduling your tasks
- gain insight about your own best plan
- acquire behavioral and cognitive strategies to tackle your difficulties in executing or maintaining your plan
Date: 4 Oct 2018 (Thurs)
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Venue: Room 302, 3/F, Main Building
Trainer: CEDARS Counsellor
Language: English or Cantonese (depending on participants)*
Class size: Maximum 20
Deposit: $100
* For workshops which the language is stated as “English or Cantonese (depending on participants)”, participants can request to conduct the workshop in Cantonese if ALL participants understand Cantonese. If ANY participant does not understand Cantonese, the workshop will automatically be conducted in English.
2. Note Taking: Techniques, Shortcuts and Practicum (NT1/18-19)
A successful university life hinges on being able to take notes in a range of circumstances on and off campus. The purpose of this seminar, which includes a practicum, is to widen your perspective on how to take, record and curate your notes so that you will develop your own unique method which serves your purposes efficiently and effectively. The course is not designed to give you “must do” rules on note taking but rather to highlight a range of methods from which you can select and adapt for your own purposes. The chosen topics in the practicum are designed to be both informative and entertaining.
At the end of the workshop, you will:
- be better prepared to take notes in advance
- understand how to better use abbreviations when taking notes
- have developed the ability to update notes during and after a presentation/lecture
- have acquired some of the techniques of curating notes and thus be able to get the most out of presentations.
Date: 6 Oct 2018 (Sat)
Time: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm; 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Venue: CPD-LG.63, LG/F, Central Podium, Centennial Campus
Trainer: Mr. Robert Barber
Language: English
Class size: 15 – 25
Fee: $50
Deposit: $100
About the trainer: Mr. Robert Barber has lived in Hong Kong for over 20 years teaching and training in the British Army and more recently at secondary and tertiary level. Born in London he was educated in Ireland and the USA. His lively courses focus on well-defined learner needs and established results based practices.
3. How to Stop Procrastination (HSP1/18-19)
Have you left tasks lingering on your to-do list for hours, or days, or even weeks? Many students have experienced procrastination when they have to meet multiple demands or complete “unpleasant tasks”. The behavioral pattern of procrastination can be counterproductive and hinders you from achieving what you want. Nevertheless, there are effective ways to deal with procrastination. Join this workshop to start learning ways to handle the stress brought about by avoidance and get things done.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the workshop, you will
- Gain insights on individualized factors or patterns leading to procrastination
- Acquire strategies to overcome procrastination
Date: 11 October 2018 (Thursday)
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Venue: Room 302, Main Building
Trainer: Mr. Philip Li, Clinical Psychologist, CEDARS
Language: Cantonese or English (depending on participants)*
Class size: Maximum 15
Fee: Free
* For workshops which the language is stated as “English or Cantonese (depending on participants)”, participants can request to conduct the workshop in Cantonese if ALL participants understand Cantonese. If ANY participant does not understand Cantonese, the workshop will automatically be conducted in English.
4. Listening Skills: Getting the Essential Facts and Enhancing Attention Span (LS1/18-19)
If you wish to enhance your listening skills and lengthen your attention span, then this is the course for you. Indeed, many public examinations (e.g. IELTS) incorporate listening sections which underscore the importance of listening as a key language skill. Listening is an active skill which can be enhanced by good note taking and thus this course is linked with the Note Taking course above. The purpose of this short course is to focus students’ attention on this frequently overlooked skill and enhance their “active” listening.
At the end of the workshop, you will have:
- increased awareness of the vital importance of good listening skills
- learned to prepare to listen in advance of a formal lecture or presentation
- learned how to focus on the main points and discriminate between essential and desirable information
- been better attuned to spot lecture cues for change in topic
- a better appreciation of the appropriate time for asking questions during a presentation or lecture
Date: 13 Oct 2018 (Sat)
Time: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm; 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Venue: CPD-LG.63, LG/F, Central Podium, Centennial Campus
Trainer: Mr. Robert Barber
Language: English
Class size: 15 – 25
Fee: $50
Deposit: $100
About the trainer: Mr. Robert Barber has lived in Hong Kong for over 20 years teaching and training in the British Army and more recently at secondary and tertiary level. Born in London he was educated in Ireland and the USA. His lively courses focus on well-defined learner needs and established results based practices.