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[報名表格 Application Form] 「堅詞gin1 ci4」創作 Keen Lyricist Quest 2025: 廣東話填詞工作坊 Workshop - Cantonese Lyric Writing

「堅詞gin1 ci4」創作 2025 - 廣東話填詞工作坊

Keen Lyricist Quest - Workshop - Cantonese Lyric Writing

報名表格 Application Form


The Cantonese Lyric Writing Workshop will be hosted by the lyricist and HKU alumnus, Cheng Man. The workshop will also invite guest lyricists and a seasoned music producer to share their creative experiences and insights. In addition to learning basic lyric-writing techniques, participants will explore various styles of lyric writing and gain an understanding of the lyricist's role from the perspective of other music creation positions, providing them with a comprehensive view of the music industry.

導師 Instructor: 鄭敏 Cheng Man

嘉賓 Guest Speakers: 林寶 Lam Bo (14/1)、孫曉賢 Kendy Suen (16/1)、陳浩然 Edward Chan (17/1)

#1 基本技巧、粵語聲韻調與填詞的關係
#2 進階技巧、不同填詞人填詞大不同
#3 曲與詞的關係、創作命題構思、在地觀察練習
#4 歌詞在流行曲中的角色、何為一份好歌詞?

日期 Date: 13, 14, 16, 17/01/2025 (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri)
時間 Time: 14:30 – 17:30
地點 Venue: GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building)
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese
按金 Deposit:  HK$200
名額 Quota: 25 (HKU Students only, by selection)

詳情 Details:

截止報名日期 Deadline: 23:59, 30/11 (Sat)

Please complete this form to apply for the workshop.

* The workshop is open to current HKU students only. Selected participants will receive an email confirmation regarding the deposit payment (HK$200) by early December. The deposit is refundable upon full attendance at the workshop and submission of one lyric work for the Lyric Writing Competition.