F:A:C:E: Subsidy (First Semester 2024-25)
F:A:C:E: Subsidy
Application Form
F:A:C:E: 鼓勵同學創作,無論是做展覽、拍短片、出版抑或搞講座,都會幫你實現!如果你有任何創作意念,歡迎提交計劃書,F:A:C:E:將會提供協助,包括校內場地、宣傳及製作資助(每個計劃上限為HK$5,000),讓你夢想成真!
F:A:C:E: Subsidy encourages student-initiated projects by providing support to those who are interested in producing their own art works or creative projects in all areas.
Eligibility and Guidelines
1. All HKU full-time students may apply for the Subsidy. Students may apply individually or in groups.
2. The forms of projects may include exhibitions, micro-films/documentaries, performance arts, publications, seminars/talks or any other activities related to arts, culture, and innovation. Submissions in other creative areas are also welcome.
3. Projects should be completed within one year upon approval of the Subsidy.
Subsidy and Resources
1. The maximum amount allocated for each project is $5,000, granted on a reimbursement basis upon successful completion of the project, presentation of original receipts, and evaluation report.
2. Administrative cost of the organising team is not supported by the Subsidy. Purchase of fixed assets (e.g. cameras, lenses) cannot be claimed.
3. In addition to financial assistance, GE will provide support in booking venues and publicity on campus.
Visit GE website for more details: https://www.cedars.hku.hk/ge/programme/detail?id=936
Application Deadline: 23:59, 18/10 (Fri) for the First Semester, 2024-25