GEST Recruitment (First Semester, 2023 - 2024): Poster Designer
GEST (GE Student Team)
Recruitment of Poster Designer
(First Semester, 2023-24)
Application Form
通識為港大同學提供不帶學分嘅課程,由海報設計、度橋宣傳、派發傳單、主持論壇、接待嘉賓、人潮管制、到朝拍晚播,都需要 GE Student Team (GEST) 嘅鼎力參與。 我哋現正招募緊新嘅GEST成員,歡迎所有港大同學報名。
GEST is an integral part of GE. Being a GEST member, not only makes the GE events successful and fantastic, but learns and laughs in a fun and cosy environment. We treasure your crazy and off-the-wall ideas as sometimes they can be developed into something very exciting and innovative. Let your talents shine.
Requirement - Poster Designer
Applicants are expected to:
1) Have good art sense and detail-minded;
2) Have knowledge and experience in using Adobe Creative Suite to create printing and online content;
3) Be a motivated, responsive and independent worker and able to complete the tasks in a timely manner under a constrained timeframe.
GEST Orientation Day
如果你未曾認識GE,或者係第一次報名加入GEST,就記得唔好錯過我哋嘅GEST Orientation喇! 喺呢度,你將會了解更多GE嘅工作、同我哋一齊組成新嘅GEST、仲可以識到新朋友。只要你報名成為GEST成員就可以參加㗎啦!
If you are not sure what GEST does, join GEST Orientation at GE Gatherland to learn more about GEST, help us define GEST, and meet new friends. All GEST members will be invited!
日期 Date: 14/9/2023 (Thu)
時間 Time: 16:00 – 17:30
地點 Venue: GE Gatherland (MB240, 2/F, Main Building)
語言 Language: Cantonese & English
Deadline of application: 23:59, 09/09/2023.
- Honorarium will be offered to certain job duties. Details will be announced on a job basis.
- All GEST members will earn Reward Points under CEDARS Reward Scheme for Students ( when they perform their duties. Certificates will be presented to the students in recognition of their contribution subject to the Reward Points accumulated.
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at