GEST Recruitment (First Semester, 2023 - 2024): Event Photographer / Video Maker


GEST (GE Student Team)
Recruitment of Event Photographers / Video Maker
(First Semester, 2023-24)

Application Form


CEDARS-GE is going to form a team of student photographers/videographers. Team members are required to assist us on an event basis, in which, members are provided with chances to practise their photography/video production skills, and also learn from and share their experiences with peers.

Requirement - Event Photographer

Applicants are expected to have:
1) basic photography knowledge (aperture, shutter speed, ISO, different shooting modes);
2) a mirrorless / DSLR camera;
3) basic knowledge and experience in using RAW photo editing tools (e.g. Adobe Lightroom) are highly prefered.

Requirement - Video Maker

Applicants are expected to:
1) be knowledgeable and experienced in video production for talks and events;
2) have a mirrorless camera / DSLR camera / camcorder and other essential tools for video production;
3) be proficient in using video editing tools like Final Cut Pro and Adobe Creative Suite. 


GEST Orientation Day

如果你未曾認識GE,或者係第一次報名加入GEST,就記得唔好錯過我哋嘅GEST Orientation喇! 喺呢度,你將會了解更多GE嘅工作、同我哋一齊組成新嘅GEST、仲可以識到新朋友。只要你報名成為GEST成員就可以參加㗎啦!

If you are not sure what GEST does, join GEST Orientation at GE Gatherland to learn more about GEST, help us define GEST, and meet new friends. All GEST members will be invited!

日期 Date: 14/9/2023 (Thu)
時間 Time: 16:00 – 17:30
地點 Venue: GE Gatherland (MB240, 2/F, Main Building)
語言 Language: Cantonese & English

Deadline of application: 23:59, 09/09/2023.


- Honorarium will be offered to certain job duties. Details will be announced on a job basis.
- All GEST members will earn Reward Points under CEDARS Reward Scheme for Students ( when they perform their duties. Certificates will be presented to the students in recognition of their contribution subject to the Reward Points accumulated.

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at


Section 1 Position
Section 2 Personal Information
Section 3 Experience
 From (MM/YY)To (MM/YY)Organisation/ActivityRole and Description
Support pdf, doc, docx, or zip with 2MB in size.
Section 4 Equipment
Section 5 Remarks