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Submissions for this form are closed.

「親愛的香港」師友計劃:文學組——中文 "Dear Hong Kong" Mentorship Scheme: Literature (Chinese)

"Dear Hong Kong" Mentorship Scheme: Literature (Chinese)

Application Form

To apply, students should complete and submit this online form by 18/1 (Mon), 17:00.

Shortlisted students will be invited to an online interview. Successful students will be notified via email on or before 27/1 (Wed), and have to pay the refundable deposit HK$200 to CEDARS-GE by 28/1 (Thu), 15:00.

導師:Mr. Lawrence Pun (潘國靈先生)



Please refer to our website for details. 


- Upon satisfactory completion of the programme, HK$200 deposit will be refunded by mailed cheque or autopay to the student's bank account registered with the University. Completion of the programme requires:

  • Full commitment and full attendance in the following
    • Briefing Session: 27/1 (Wed), 15:00 - 17:00
    • Mentorship: 1/2 (Mon) - 15/4 (Thu)
    • Interim Submission: 15/3 (Mon)
    • Final Submission: 16/4 (Fri)
    • Showcase: 29/4 (Thu) evening
  • 以中文創作一篇主題為「親愛的香港」的文學作品,字數不限,文體可為新詩、散文或微型小說 by 16/4 (Fri)