Creative Programme Curation - GEST Curator Gatherland 240 & 221 (Second Semester, 2021 - 2022)

Creative Programme Curation - GEST Curator Gatherland 240 & 221
(Second Semester, 2021 - 2022)

Application Form

GE Gatherland has been relocated to Main Building earlier this year. With this classy yet modern atmosphere in the historical building, we hope to co-curate more diverse and fascinating programmes and performances in our versatile spaces with you!

We are now looking for HKU students who have been dreaming of a chance and place to showcase what they love. It might be performing arts like music performance, dance, stand-up comedy, or even turning our Gatherland into an art gallery or a pop-up creative space!

Date & Time: Let’s work it out!
Venue: GE Gatherland (MB240/221, 2/F, Main Building, HKU)

Application Deadline: 1/12 (Wed)

* Remarks: Student hosts would receive Reward Points for the CEDARS Reward Scheme for Students (
* Subsidies will be provide to our curators.

Section 1 Personal Information
Section 2 Type of Application
Please make sure the above performers/curators include at least one HKU student.
Section 3 Experience
 From (MM/YY)To (MM/YY)Organisation/ActivityDescription
Section 4 Social Media
Can be a link to Instagram/Facebook page or YouTube channel.
Section 5 Previous Performance/Work