招募藝文「傾」主持 Student Host Wanted for F:A:C:E: Choice Sharing Session (Second Semester, 2021-2022)

招募藝文「傾」主持 Student Host Wanted for F:A:C:E: Choice Sharing Session (Second Semester, 2021-2022)

Application Form

F:A:C:E: (Fascinating Arts and Cultural Experiences) Choice不定期為學生介紹文化藝術節目。為擴闊學生對文化藝術的視野,通識為港大全日制學生提供門票資助欣賞不同類型的表演藝術或電影。學生可在推薦節目中選取一個節目欣賞或參加指定節目,然後登記出席藝文「傾」,分享觀後感。


F:A:C:E: (Fascinating Arts and Cultural Experiences) Choice provides recommended arts and cultural programmes to students throughout the year. To widen students’ horizons in arts and culture, ticket subsidy will be offered to full-time HKU students for appreciation of different art forms of performances or films. Students could freely choose a programme from the recommended list and register for one of the sharing sessions. We are now recruiting students who enjoy watching and discussing arts and culture programmes for hosting the sharing sessions.

Student Host's Duties:
- To recommend at least 1 recommended programme for HKU students
- To be able to share views or insights, and to lead a group discussion on different arts performance or films. 

Dates of Sharing Sessions: Proposed by Student Host
Time: 16:30 – 18:00
Venue: GE Gatherland (MB240, 2/F, Main Building, HKU)
Language: Cantonese or English
Application Deadline: 1/12 (Wed)

Past F:A:C:E: Choice & Sharing Sessions included:
Theatre - 自由空間 x 非常林奕華《寶玉,你好》Freespace x Edward Lam Dance Theatre: Hello, Baoyu
- 《好好拍電影》“Keep Rolling” & 《媽媽的神奇小子》 “Zero to Hero” to discuss how film depicts main character differently
-《靈魂奇遇記》"Soul" & 《魔龍王國》"Raya and the Last Dragon" to discuss race, cultural identity and heritage in cinematic representation
Music - Freespace Jazz Fest: Patrick Lui Jazz Orchestra feat. Janice Vidal and Angelita Li

*Student hosts will earn Reward Points under CEDARS Reward Scheme for Students (http://www.cedars.hku.hk/crss).

Personal Information