藝文「傾」- 自由爵士音樂節:雷柏熹爵士大樂團 F:A:C:E: Choice & Sharing Sessions - Freespace Jazz Fest: Patrick Lui Jazz Orchestra
藝文「傾」- 自由爵士音樂節:雷柏熹爵士大樂團 F:A:C:E: Choice & Sharing Sessions - Freespace Jazz Fest: Patrick Lui Jazz Orchestra
Application Form
F:A:C:E: Choice為同學介紹文化藝術節目,提供港大全日制學生門票資助,鼓勵同學欣賞不同類型的表演藝術或電影,擴闊學生對文化藝術的視野。今次我們挑選了《雷柏熹爵士大樂團》,參加同學可透過以下連結報名觀看《雷柏熹爵士大樂團》,然後出席藝文「傾」,與其他同學按着相應主題進行交流。 同學須出席《雷柏熹爵士大樂團》及藝文「傾」,方可取得門票資助。
F:A:C:E: Choice provides recommended arts and cultural programmes to students throughout the year. To widen students’ horizons in arts and culture, ticket subsidies will be offered to full-time HKU students to encourage appreciation of different art forms of performances or films. This time we have picked Freespace Jazz Fest: Patrick Lui Jazz Orchestra. Interested students can register for the performance and discuss with your HKU fellows in the sharing session. A ticket subsidy of HK$250 will be refunded upon full attendance of the performance and the sharing session.
自由爵士音樂節:雷柏熹爵士大樂團 Freespace Jazz Fest: Patrick Lui Jazz Orchestra
Date: 31/10/2021 (Sun)
Time: 15:00 (Approximately 1 hour 10 minutes without intermission)
Venue: The Box, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District
Quota: 10
Ticket fee: HK$500 (A $HKD250 ticket subsidy will be refunded upon full attendance of the performance on 31/10 and sharing session on 1/11)
F:A:C:E: Choice Sharing Sessions 藝文「傾」
Date: 1/11/2021 (Mon)
Time: 16:30 – 18:00
Venue: GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building)
Language: English
To enrol, please complete the form below and settle the payment by bank transfer.
Please pay the fee ($500) by bank transfer and upload the scanned copy or screen capture of the pay-in slip which clearly shows the transaction date, amount and account number here. Please keep the original slip as CEDARS-GE may collect it later. A receipt will be emailed to you when your application is successful.
Payment details for online enrolment:
- Account Name: The University of Hong Kong
- Bank Name: HSBC
- Account Number: 002-222834-001