CEDARS has recently been alerted about renting scams involving fake hostel providers. ⚠️💸 Please be alert and careful when dealing with anyone who claims to be a landlord / homeowner / hostel administrator, especially if they ask for immediate deposit. 🚫🏠
The Estates Agents Authority has published the “Tenancy Guide for Non-local Students in Hong Kong” on how to rent a residence. If you are unsure about the terms and conditions offered by any local providers, please write to CEDARS 💬📧(cedars.housing@hku.hk). We will try our best to help verify the legitimacy of any transaction or party.
✅ 请选择正规知名公司,优先考虑有实体门店的中介
🔍 在通过电话或视频了解房源后,务必亲自参观并审查周边环境
📷 不要轻信网上图片,仔细检查房屋设施
📑 支付房租前,核查租约、土地登记册内容及房东身份
🖋️ 合同需盖章方为有效,妥善保存合约及收据
🌐 通过香港政府一站通的「为物业及股票转让文件加盖印花」网站核对印花证明书真实性
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